Presidents Message – July 2018

Summer is here!

And there are a multitude of activities going on for HOA members to:

Be Engaged / Be Informed / Be Heard

HOA Newsletter going digital … mostly!

Starting with this quarter, the HOA Newsletter will be distributed to members through email and posted to the HOA and TellicoLife websites. Saving hundreds of dollars and allowing your board to provide more timely information, a digital HOA newsletter will be available to you regardless of where you are. Like most things today, you are a just an Internet connection away. For those members who enjoy the tactile feel of the HOA Newsletter, a limited supply will be available at the TV Welcome Center, TV Library and the Kahite Clubhouse. No matter how you prefer to get your information, don’t miss the updates your board has provided.

Liquor Store Survey Results

On May 30th as a part of a report to the HOA and New Villager memberships, we asked for your input on the prospect of having a liquor store in Tellico Village potentially owned and operated by the POA. 948 of you responded.  Earlier this month, we sent HOA members a summary of the results.  You can also find that summary here on the HOA Website.

Happy Birthday TellicoLife!

Believe it or not we have been enjoying the benefits of TellicoLife for a year! Now, the HOA calendar and event registration as well as membership are just a few keystrokes away.  Also, it is TellicoLife that affords us the ability to reach out to you through its survey function and ease of doing group emails.  In just one year, the HOA has been joined by 20 other clubs and organizations on TellicoLife. Quite an accomplishment for one year! The HOA was the founding sponsor and one of the five partner organizations who govern TellicoLife.

Lots to do – inside and out…

No matter if your trying to beat the heat or enjoy it, the HOA has plenty in store this month.

Check out the HOA Event Calendar on TellicoLife.

Your HOA Needs You!

As you can imagine none of the above gets accomplished by itself.  It takes many hands to create all that we enjoy in the HOA.  We invite you to join us to keep the HOA moving and expanding all that it offers.  I was amazed to learn at our volunteer recognition event last year, that our volunteers numbered well over 100 people who might have lead an event, handed out raffle tickets, chaired a committee or served as a member of the HOA Board.  All of us have learned that being involved with the diverse variety of talented people in this community, makes living here in Tellico Village an even richer experience.

Each year in July, the HOA starts the process of identifying our leadership team for the coming year. You can find out more about these and other job descriptions on the HOA website under the heading for ‘HOA Board / 2018 Board, then click on the job titles. More importantly, please feel free to contact me at to find out some of the specifics.

Keep cool everyone!