Advocacy – December 2019 – Advocacy defined

During 2019, the HOA Board determined that additional focus was needed in the area of “advocacy”. This was to ensure that the HOA lives up to its “Be Engaged”. Be Informed. Be Heard” charter.  A new “VP of Advocacy” position was created, which was approved by the HOA membership at a HOA General Meeting on November 21, 2019. For 2020 I have the privilege of serving as your VP of Advocacy.

So, what is “advocacy”?

  • As written in the HOA Bylaws the VP of Advocacy is responsible for “identifying key issues within the Tellico Village community and promote discussion of those issues with Tellico Village HOA members”.
  • Looking beyond the job description, I think “advocacy” is to develop consensus and alignment regarding what needs to be done here in Tellico Village.
  • Equally important, the role is not to create an adversarial relationship with the POA or other organizations related to the village. This is all about working together to achieve a common good.

Where do we start?

  • The POA recently adopted a new Vision for Tellico Village (proposed by the Long Range Planning Advisory Committee – LRPAC):

To be a dynamic, engaging Community, 
meeting the changing needs of Property Owners,
in a fiscally responsible manner,
resulting in a lifetime of wellbeing.

  • In addition, the LRPAC proposed several guiding principles:
    • Offer a competitive best value lifestyle.
    • Improve property values.
    • Maintain and enhance the Social Fabric of the community.
    • Ensure a stable financial status.
    • Be legal and ensure safety.

I think our starting point is to embrace the new Vision and the LRPAC guiding principles. By aligning with the POA and LRPAC aspirations, we can all work together to maintain Tellico Village as a great place to live.

To achieve consensus and alignment of our key issues, we will be asking each of you for input. This may take the form of quick online surveys, or it could be deeper discussions in a focus group. The opportunity to talk directly with HOA members at our Socials and General Meetings is perhaps the easiest way to ensure your views are heard. We look forward to talking with each of you in the coming months.

Next month I will be talking about what our approach to advocacy looks like in practice. In the following months there will be articles on key issues we have here in Tellico Village.

Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.


Mark Pantley
HOA VP of Advocacy

(832) 654.1272