Advocacy – March 2020 – Fireflies

We seem to be living in very troubled times. The issues are numerous and seem to be overwhelming – Coronavirus, Asian Carp infestation, stock market gyrations, political divisiveness, on and on the list goes. So, this month I thought it would be useful to focus on something interesting and fun – fireflies!

While fireflies are common in eastern Tennessee, they are concentrated in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park around the Elkmont area. People from all over the world travel there to experience the annual mating ritual of these small creatures. To help minimize impact on the fireflies, the park implemented a lottery system and shuttle service in 2015 to limit access to the Elkmont area. Only campers and lottery winners are allowed access during the peak firefly mating season.

The dates for the event will be announced on April 22, 2020. The lottery opens on April 24, 2020 and closes on April 28, 2020. The results will be announced later (no date yet set). Full information can be found at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park firefly lottery site:

Radim Schreiber has taken some amazing pictures of fireflies, which will give you an idea of what it’s like to experience this. You can find his web site at: (look in the “videos” tab).

Also, I would like to suggest that you consider joining the Great Smoky Mountains Association. This group partners with the National Park Service to support the scientific, historical and interpretive activities of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. You can find more information about the Great Smoky Mountains Association and how to become a member at:

While our ability to see each other at HOA Social gatherings is currently limited, please feel free to send me a note if you have any issues or concerns that I might be able to help with.

Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.

Mark Pantley
HOA VP of Advocacy
(832) 654-1272