“Change”. The word itself can make us uncomfortable. “Why do things keep changing – why can’t they remain as they were?”, you may think. Yet some changes can be welcome – the arrival of Spring; improving health, resolution of a longstanding issue, and gaining new friends are examples of positive change. Other changes like the construction of new houses in the village, increased traffic, and the ever-increasing pace of life contribute to our sense of losing control and are not so welcome.
I think we have a choice in how we react to change. We can close ourselves off and try to minimize the impact of change in our lives, or we can embrace change and get involved as a force for good. Last year I wrote a short article about the importance of volunteerism, and I think those thoughts are just as true today. You can find the earlier article at this link: http://www.hoatellicovillage.com/2021/05/24/advocacy-june-2021/. I want to encourage you to get involved in something you care about. You will benefit your community and yourself as well.
The primary elections are on May 3 and early voting is currently underway. Please make your vote count by taking the time to vote. HOA has sponsored Candidate Forums for both Loudon and Monroe counties. If you were not able to attend, recordings of both sessions are available on TVN for viewing. We want you to not only vote, but to also be an informed voter.
Our next monthly HOA Social will be on May 10 at the Yacht Club and includes a Mexican buffet. If you want to participate in the buffet, please sign up on TellicoLife. There will be live music, prizes, and a fun time with your new and old friends.
HOA Litter Angels held two separate clean-up events April, with more planned in the future. If you’re interested in helping with this, a good first step is to join the “HOA Litter Angels” group on NextDoor. Please contact Annie LaCour if you have any questions about HOA Litter Angels.
Activities related to A&E are focused primarily on education, with regular articles in the monthly HOA Voice. The A&E committee is still in the process of being formed. If you have an interest in the environment and aesthetics of Tellico Village, please contact Jim Hawkey, the committee Chair, for more information.
The Highway Safety Committee is working with TDOT to improve safety along Highway 444. Ensuring that downed trees (from storms) are cleaned up is a top priority at the moment.
Neighborhood Watch is planning a village-wide meeting at the Yacht Club on May 24, 5:30-7pm. Please plan to attend and learn about the recent changes to the NW program.
If you have not yet renewed your HOA membership for 2022, please do so now. We don’t want to lose you! With your credit card “in hand”, just click on this link: https://tvlife.memberclicks.net/hoa-home-page to renew (or you can mail payment to HOA c/o TV Public Library, 300 Irene Dr, Loudon TN 37774). If you don’t plan to renew, please let us know why by sending an e-mail to: HOA.TellicoVillage.Membership@gmail.com.
Spring is here! Change is good! Embrace it!
Mark Pantley, HOA President
You can find us at www.hoatellicovillage.com or simply use this QR code on your phone: