Father’s Day. Mother’s Day. Memorial Day. Independence Day. All of these holidays and many others have one thing in common – family. Holidays, along with anniversaries and birthdays, are a time when families get together to share activities and spend time together. Time with family is a celebration with fun, food, and creation of great memories. Even if your uncle is a little crazy or the great-aunt is crabby, spending the time together is important and memorable.
Tellico Village is also our family. Some of us may be a little crazy or crabby, but we’re all still part of the Tellico Village family. Participating in events and activities creates shared memories. Our sharing of life experiences enables us to support each other and helps us to be successful and happy in life. That said, if you choose to not get involved, that’s your choice, but then we’re all missing out on your being part of the family that we call Tellico Village. I’d like to encourage everyone to stay involved and participate in activities that you care about. This benefits not only yourself but also your other Tellico Village family members.
Our June HOA Social was on Flay Day, June 14. Smoky Mountain Service Dogs were there to demonstrate their program. We learned that their primary need is for people to raise puppies for the program! Also, the VFW provided an important demonstration on how to fold a US Flag. The flag, which had been flown over the US Capital, was then given away to a lucky attendee. The HOA portion of the 50/50 prize was donated to the Smoky Mountain Service Dogs, as was a portion of the winner’s prize.
Our next HOA Social is on Tuesday, July 12, at the Yacht Club, starting at 5pm. Our theme this month is centered around going to the beach. The worst-dressed “tacky tourist” (you know who you are!) will win a special prize. Wear your going-to-the-beach outfit and join us for a fun time.
The general election for Loudon and Monroe counties is on August 4. There will also be state and federal primaries held on the same day. Please plan to vote and make your voice heard! You can find information on Loudon County at Home – Loudon County, TN Election Commission (loudoncountyvotes.com) and Monroe County at Monroe County Election Commission.
HOA has a lot of great events planned. Some are closing soon so don’t miss out! Check out every event on the TellicoLife event calendar: Tellico Village Life – Home (tellicolife.org)
You are part of the Tellico Village family. While some of us can be a bit grumpy at times, and it’s better not to bring politics to the dinner table, please join us. We are better together than we are separately.
Mark Pantley, HOA President
You can find us at www.hoatellicovillage.com or simply use this QR code on your phone: