August is “Back to School Month”. Please consider supporting our own Tellico Village-based Adopt-a-Class TN program. You can find more information at: Adopt A Class TN
August is also the month for a sales tax holiday in TN on groceries. This is a great opportunity to save some money and offset the impacts of inflation. For more information go to: Important Notice 22-10: 2022 Sales Tax Holiday for Food and Food Ingredients
Our August HOA Social will be on August 9. The theme is “A Good Ol’ Fashioned Country Hoedown”. Be sure to wear your western gear and plan to have a good ol’ time! A dinner will be served for those who sign up through Tellico Life.
As you may have heard, scammers often target senior citizens and retires. Neighborhood Watch is working with the Knoxville Field Office of the FBI to hold some informational sessions here in the village on this topic. The sessions will probably be held in early September. We will let you know once we have details on this. Given the increase in our area of the number of incidents of people being scammed, it should be a valuable session for all of us to attend.
If you are new to the village and have not yet attended the Tellico Village Welcome Orientation, please consider participating in the next event on August 2. To attend you must sign up on TellicoLife. You can find more information in the Event Calendar on TellicoLife.
We have an historic property located here in Tellico Village – commonly called the “Bowman House”. This month’s HOA Voice includes a very useful article about the Bowman House – written by our VP of Advocacy, Harry Rucker. There has been some recent activity with this property that is worth knowing about.
The general election for Loudon and Monroe counties is on August 4. We will also be voting for both state and federal primaries on this same day. Please plan to vote and make your voice heard! You can find information on Loudon County at Home – Loudon County, TN Election Commission (loudoncountyvotes.com) and Monroe County at Monroe County Election Commission.
HOA has a lot of great events planned. Some are closing soon so don’t miss out! Check out every event on the TellicoLife event calendar: Tellico Village Life – Home (tellicolife.org)
Mark Pantley, HOA President
You can find us at www.hoatellicovillage.com or simply use this QR code on your phone: