It’s a busy time of year with school starting up and everyone trying to squeeze in one more vacation or day on the lake before the weather starts to cool down. One of the reasons we choose to move to East Tennessee was that there are 4 seasons here, unlike what we experienced in Houston and Southern California where there are only two seasons – wet and dry. So, while we will soon say goodbye to the warm temperatures, we’ll get in return fall color!
HOA has been equally busy with planning fall events and activities that give you interesting things to do. We hope that you’ll be able to participate in them.
If you’re a child of the 60’s or 70’s then it’s time to break out your tie-dye shirt and attend the September HOA Social! The theme is “retro” and it should be a groovy time! Knoxville Transfer Trio is playing, so it will be a great time to let your hair down and dance to the music. The Bocce Ball team will be speaking about their vision for introducing Bocce Ball to Tellico Village, which is something you’ll want to hear. The HOA Social is Tuesday, September 13, 5-6:30 pm.
HOA Neighborhood Watch is sponsoring a presentation by the Knoxville Field Office of the FBI on how to avoid being a victim of scamming. This will be an informational session held here in the village at the Tellico Village Community Church on October 26, starting at 1pm. Given the increase in our area of the number of incidents of people being scammed, it should be a valuable session for all of us to attend.
We are planning to hold a POA Candidates Forum on October 20, from 4-6pm at the Tellico Village Community Church. There are 3 open positions on the POA Board this year, so we’re expecting a large and diverse set of candidates. This is a session you’ll want to attend to ensure that you’re a well-informed voter. If you have an interest in running for a POA Board position, you can find information on the POA website under Governance/Board of Directors.
The HOA is currently looking for candidates to serve on the HOA Board and in many key positions for 2023. If you’re interested in exploring this option, please let me know or contact the Nominating Committee Chair, Linda Garza. We would love to talk with you!
HOA has a lot of great events planned. Some are closing soon so don’t miss out! Some events I’d like to highlight include:
- The Smokin F BBQ & Barn on September 29 is something new and not far from us in Philadelphia.
- See the Tennessee Titans play against the Indianapolis Colts on October 23 in Nashville.
- Our Halloween Scavenger Scramble is back! October 31. Don’t be too spooked to try this!
Check out every event on the TellicoLife event calendar: Tellico Village Life – Home (tellicolife.org).
Mark Pantley, HOA President
You can find us at www.hoatellicovillage.com or simply use this QR code on your phone: