May Open Village Meeting

Tellico Village HomeOwners Association hosted a ‘State of the Lake’ forum on May 4th at the Tellico Village Community Church.  Residents were provided updates on a number of topics; T-BART President Jeff Rauch was in attendance, providing Villagers information on boater safety and the services provided by their organization. Jim Goyert provided information on Tellico Village Fishing Club. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) Cole Hardy and John Hammond provided an informative update on the Asian Carp situation and steps being taken by TWRA to protect our waters. Dave Flanagan representing WATeR gave Villagers an update on the health and welfare of our lakes and the good work that this organization is doing.

The HOA thanks all participants for this very enlightening program!

Photo Back Row L-R: Michael Bell, Lavonne Mitchell, Mark Pantley

Front Row L-R: Dave Flanagan, John Hammond, Cole Harty, Jim Goyert, Jeff Rauch

Visit Tellico Village Network at to replay this meeting.

Our next Open Village Meeting, The State of Monroe County, is scheduled for Friday, August 18th at 7:00pm at the Kahite Activity Center.  This meeting is open to all Tellico Village residents.