July Advocacy Update

POA to Consider Changes to Tellico Village Governing Documents

The POA will be considering changes to several documents that govern how Tellico Village is run and some of the things that residents can do within the Village.  The documents are the:

  • “Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, Tellico Village, Tennessee.”  This is the overarching constitution of our community that describes membership in the Village, development of common property, water and sewage systems, roads and all other amenities, establishes the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) and allows the POA to set standards for Village properties and their maintenance.  The document was developed by Cooper Homes, the original developer of Tellico Village and gave them certain developer rights.  Since the purchase of the Cooper properties, these developer rights have conveyed to its successor, our POA.
  • “Protective Covenants – Exhibit I to the Declaration.”  This is an attachment to the “Declaration” and is subordinate to it.  It provides specific requirements and restrictions including zoning, temporary structures and outbuildings, subdividing lots, prohibition of septic tanks and wells, screening, signs, businesses, livestock, mines and oil wells.  It also defines the specific duties and responsibilities of the ACC.
  • “Residential Construction Handbook” commonly known as the Blue Book.  The “Protective Covenants” require the ACC to develop it and the TVPOA to approve it.  This includes the rules, regulations and standards established by the ACC and approved by the TVPOA.  It describes how the ACC will operate and issue permits.  It also defines site and construction standards, builder construction requirements, property maintenance standards and enforcement standards.  Its fundamental purpose is to:
    • preserve and maintain the environment of the community of Tellico Village and the ambiance and character of its neighborhoods and homes. protect and enhance property values throughout Tellico Village. 
    • contribute to the continuation of the inherent and natural attributes of Tellico Village as a highly desirable community in which to live.     

At a recent Town Hall Meeting on rental properties, Chet Pillsbury, The CEO of the Tellico Village Property Owners Association recommended the “Declaration” be amended to limit the number of rental properties in Tellico Village. Although some rental properties are a plus for the Village, a preponderance of rental properties would change Tellico Village and the three ACC tenants listed above.  Changing the “Declaration” is not easy.  It requires 2/3 of all properties (the owners of each property get one vote) to agree to the change.  More will come as this recommendation proceeds so keep reading our monthly newsletter –  Your HOA Voice in the Village.     

The ACC has been tasked by the TVPOA and is working on a modification to the “Protective Covenants” to provide some enforcement penalties to the rules in the three governing documents.  Today the POA remedies for violations are to suspend the owner from the Association, correct the issue themselves and back charge the owner, place a lien on the property or go to court.  These have proven to be ineffective so the POA has tasked to ACC to develop a system of compounding fines.  Changes to the “Protective Covenants” require only a majority POA Board of Directors vote for approval so attend / watch POA Board meetings and our monthly newsletter – Your HOA Voice in the Village for developments in this area. 

The TVPOA has also tasked the ACC to update the Blue Book to reflect the changing nature of Tellico Village as it builds out.  Some of these changes reflect new building materials and practices, fountains and water features, plants in easements, swim spas, yard art and flag poles.  Changing the Blue Book, like the “Protective Covenants” requires only a majority POA Board of Directors vote for approval so watch POA Board meetings and our monthly newsletter – Your HOA Voice in the Village for developments.  Villagers can submit recommendations for Blue Book improvements to the TVPOA or ACC at any time.    

All Property Owners should be familiar with the documents discussed in this article.  You can find them at Home – Tellico Village Property Owners Association (tellicovillagepoa.org); Property Owner log in is required to view these documents.  

It is highly recommended that before any change is made to your home exterior or property, these documents be reviewed and, if necessary, the proper documents be submitted.