October 2023 – President’s Message

I think that transparency is important for anyone in leadership, particularly regarding elected positions. It’s for that reason that I want to let you know that I have decided to run for a POA Board position (which reminds me of the old adage that “crazy people should not be allowed to run for office, but only crazy people will run!”). As a result of my decision to run, I’ve been thinking about what is important for our village.

All of us have moved to Tellico Village from somewhere else. For a few it was a short trip and for others it was a long journey – but we all got here! Of course, we all brought with us our own personal history – our likes, dislikes, preferences, etc. My view is that diversity is a good thing, and I enjoy hearing different points of view, even if I don’t always agree with them. So, is there anything that binds us together, or are we forever caught up in our differences? There is, and it’s the Tellico Village Vision, Mission, Values, and Guiding Principles. You can find it on the POA website at https://www.tellicovillagepoa.org/wp-content/uploads/Vision-Mission-Values-Principles-10072020.pdf.

Our Vision is “To be a dynamic, engaging, community, meeting the changing needs of property owners, in a fiscally responsible manner, resulting in a lifetime of wellbeing.” I think that to enjoy a “lifetime of wellbeing”, it requires all of the first words (with nothing left out!). Balancing our ability to change and adapt together, as a community, while at the same time living within our collective financial means, is critical.

Our Mission is “To enhance and preserve the Tellico Village quality of life, social fabric, property values, and overall member value through effective and efficient management of the Association.” This all seems like a pretty good idea; however, how do we know when we’re achieving this (or not)? That’s where the Values and Guiding Principles come in!

We have five Values:

  • “People – We respect the diversity, integrity, needs, and value of members, committees, employees, and others supporting the social fabric of the community.”
  • “Service – We nurture a culture of helping others.”
  • “Communication – We commit to effective and efficient communication, response, and resolution for our members.”
  • “Fiscal Responsibility – We engage in sound financial practices to provide high value for our property, amenities, and infrastructure.”
  • “Aesthetics and Environment – We strive to maintain, protect, and improve our natural and man-made environments.

We have five Guiding Principles:

  • Practice timely communication while listening and acknowledging our diverse interests.”
  • “Encourage participation, volunteerism, and teamwork in all aspects of community life, both within and outside of our community.”
  • “Utilize impartial, fact-based, need-based, data-driven decision processes.”
  • “Strive for continuous improvement.”
  • “Make Aesthetics and Environmental impact a key part of relevant decisions affecting Tellico Village and it’s property owners.”

So, are we currently achieving our Vision and delivering on our MissionValues, and Guiding Principles? I think the answer is “yes”; however, there is always room for improvement. Identifying what’s missing or what could be better is a role for all of us who live in Tellico Village to be involved with. After all, we’re a community run by the residents. It’s up to us.

An important part of knowing how well we’re doing is to set good goals and then measure our success in the context of the Vision. The upcoming budget and planning process is an opportunity to prioritize the limited funds we have and make decisions that affect the future of our village. It’s something we should all be involved in. Don’t just leave it to the accountants to figure out! There is much more to this than just the numbers if we’re to achieve “a lifetime of wellbeing”.

I used to work for a guy whose approach to management was “what have you done for me lately?” While he appreciated all that had been accomplished in the past – last year or even last month – he wanted to know what was being delivered now! This same approach applies to us in Tellico Village as well. While a lot of good work has been done through the years, we need to avoid resting on our laurels and instead continue to press forward. Tellico Village is still growing and maturing as a community. We have significant opportunities ahead of us that offer great results if we all pitch in and help to achieve them.

A lot of change is currently happening in Tellico Village, with much of it behind the scenes. It is sometimes hard to know all that’s going on. The Tell-E-Gram, quarterly POA newsletter, town halls, board meetings, committee meetings, etc. are all there to help keep us informed. At the same time, there are ways to input your ideas, concerns, and complaints by using the Help Spot or speaking up in one of these meetings. Whether you’re giving input or learning about what’s happening, there are many ways to stay informed and to give input. Please take advantage of these tools we have available.

Could the village be better? Yes.

Do we all have a role in making it better? Yes!

Do we know where to start? Yes! It’s with the VisionMissionValues, and Guiding Principles. This is the benchmark for prioritizing and evaluating every opportunity for improvement that we see. Making best uses of the resources we have available to us will help us to achieve “a lifetime of wellbeing”.

Our next HOA Social is on October 10 at the Yacht Club, starting at 5pm. Don’t miss out!

Please plan to attend the POA Candidates Forum on October 12, 4-6pm, at the Community Church.

Mark Pantley

HOA President