On Thursday, October 12th, the HOA hosted the 2023 POA Candidate Forum at the Tellico Village Community Church. Current POA Board Members, Pat White and Rick Blough, will complete their term at the end of 2023, making available two open Board positions. Applying for the open positions are:
- Mike Braddock – mbrad80@gmail.com
- Ed Grollemond – ed@grollemond.com
- Don Hart – dfhgolfer72@gmail.com
- George Luttrell – georgeluttrell@prodigy.net
- Mark Pantley – mark.pantley@gmail.com
The forum began with POA Chief Executive Officer, Chet Pillsbury, providing the candidates and audience an overview of what the position entails. That was followed by each candidate providing information about themselves and reasons for seeking the position. Each candidate had the opportunity to respond to 3 prepared questions, followed by a Q&A session with multiple questions from the audience. It was a very informative session.
If you were unable to attend this event, we encourage all residents to watch the recorded presentation on Tellico Village Network – YouTube channel. Click here to learn more about each candidate.
The future of our community is in the hands of the residents that vote. The HOA do not endorse any candidate. However, we do encourage all residents to engage in the process of electing the Board Members who will be responsible for aiding in the planning and management our community. Do you part and get out and VOTE.
For more information on the POA Board Member election process, go to: https://www.tellicovillagepoa.org/board-election-information/
Pictured above from left to right: Mark Pantley, George Luttrell, Don Hart, Ed Grollemond and Mike Braddock. Back Row Chet Pillsbury, CEO and Lavonne Mitchell, HOA VP Programs.