
2023 HOA Board Members

The HOA Board of Directors is comprised of volunteers who are nominated and elected by its membership at the HOA General Meeting in November of each year. The HOA Board is made up of an […]

Highway Safety Committee News

Highway Safety Update – January 21, 2023

Illegal or unauthorized parking at this TVA area on Hwy 444 will occasionally be a problem. This vehicle has apparently been abandoned. To report these kinds of issues, call TVA police at 855-476-2489 and provide them […]


Open Village Meeting Info.

NOTE: 2 additional questions and responses have been added to the end of this page. Approx. 700 residents attended the HOA’s first Open Village Meeting of 2023  The meeting was hosted by HOA Program VP, […]

President's Corner

February President’s Message

It’s 2023! What happened to 2022? Wow – it sure went fast! Starting a new year is a good time to set some goals and to recognize all the things that occurred in the prior […]


New Year – Old Crime

The Holiday Season can bring about a hidden crime.  While you were out shopping or even online shopping, celebrating with family and friends and being joyous and happy, or traveling, someone else could have been out […]


February Litter Angels

HOA Litter Angels chair, Annie LaCour, relaunched collection efforts in April 2022 and, with the help of numerous volunteers, collected 517 bags plus assorted tires, car parts, construction debris and more.  With each bag weighing approximately […]

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