How time flies when you’re having fun. We’re already one quarter of the way through 2024 and it seems like the year has just begun. I hope that you are all doing well – and I do know that the HOA has had a wonderful first quarter with lots of new and exciting activities.
The theme for the April Social was to recognize and celebrate Earth Day. We had speakers from the HOA A&E committee, plus the Herb Garden, TV Naturalists, and Bluebird clubs as speakers. The combination of informative speakers and great music from Tommotley Crew resulted in a really nice event. We all had a lot of fun and learned some important things about being good stewards of our natural environment.
We are well on our way to holding more than 150 events this year. Our Event Coordinators are doing a bang-up job of arranging and running the events and are always looking for new and different activities to do. New events are announced at each monthly Social, so attending the Socials gives you a “first peek” at what’s new. Recently we started providing a booklet of new events with QR codes on each table so that you can sign up using your phone right there.
We want to have even more events, but we’re limited by the number of Event Coordinators we have. Please consider volunteering as an Event Coordinator. It’s a fun and easy thing to do. We have a great team to support our EC’s and tons of experience to share. EC’s typically focus on events they want to attend anyways and by forming a group to share it, which makes it even more fun.
On the Advocacy side, our Litter Angels continue to keep trash off of our roads. They go out once or twice a month, depending on the season. They could use your help with this, so please consider volunteering. The A&E Committee gave out 557 trees to Tellico Village Residents on Tennessee Tree Day in support of the Tennessee Environmental Council and to help “green up” Tellico Village. They are already planning for next year’s tree day. Our Neighborhood Watch is up and running with the Loudon and Monroe County Sheriffs. They recently helped the Monroe County Sheriff track down some pranksters in Kahite. Additionally, our first Open Village Meeting of the year, the “State of Kahite”, was held earlier this month with more to follow. A recording of the Kahite OVM is available on Tellico Village Network. We are looking for ideas on future OVM topics, so please let us know if you have something you’d like to hear about.
Please remember to renew your HOA membership for 2024! Renewing allows you to enjoy all the events we have planned this year. It’s still only $15 for your entire household and you get a huge amount of bang for your buck. It also helps our community at large by supporting our advocacy initiatives.
I hope to see you at our Second Annual “Fun in the Sun” Tellico Village HOA Picnic on June 10 at the Yacht Club. The picnic is our largest event of the year and we need your help to ensure its success. Please consider joining the planning team and/or helping out on the day of the picnic. Most of the volunteer positions are short time commitments during the day of the picnic. We had a great time last year and is going to be even bigger and better this year with your help.
Thanks for a great start to 2024,

Harry Rucker
HOA President