May is one of my favorite months of the year. The weather is wonderful – and this year, even though we’re still having “May” showers, the spring flowers are big, bright, beautiful and growing like weeds (and I have them too). Mother’s Day is in May. I hope everyone had the chance to celebrate your Mom, and if she’s gone like mine, to remember the love she showed and the good times you had together. I believe my mom continues to watch over me, and it’s a good thing that she is.
Memorial Day falls at the end of May. Started in New York as a day to remember the nation’s Civil War dead, it’s now a day of remembrance for all those who gave their lives to preserve our freedoms. Last month, a group of us from Tellico Village visited the Normandy beaches, where we stood in the same spot where 9000 Americans died on Omaha Beach. It is quite sobering to stand where so many crossed and so many died. This Memorial Day please take time to remember those fallen Americans from all wars and be thankful for the freedoms they have given us.
June brings a new month in which we hold our second annual “Fun in the Sun” Membership Picnic on June 10 th at the Yacht Club. There are still some tickets left, so sign up before they close out the event on May 29th. Last year was a sell out and a ton of fun. Also in June, the raft-offs kick off for the summer, along with Smokies Baseball, golf, Singo, Bunco and Hand & Foot, games, dining outs, and my favorite, the Open Village Meeting on the 17th. June will be a very busy month.
One thing all the events have in common is that you sign up for them on Tellico Life. I’d like to thank all the volunteers that run Tellico Life and support the functions of the clubs and organizations in the Village, especially the admins that make Tellico Life work.
On the Advocacy side, the HOA’s Highway Safety Committee is transitioning to the POA’s Highway Advisory Committee (HIAC). They’ll continue to work with local and State governments to improve the public roads around and through Tellico Village, but now have the authority of the POA behind them.
I’m looking forward to seeing you at the picnic and thanks for a wonderful month.

Harry Rucker, Tellico Village HomeOwners Association President