September 2024 Neighborhood Watch

Is my donation going to a legit organization?

We all get the calls asking for donations to various organizations.  How do you know that your hard earned money actually went to that group and/or was used for other purposes?  Skepticism is one of the many reasons people don’t give the way they used to. We are always being warned “It’s probably a scam!”  But on the flipside of that, there are people out there that could really use your help.  

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) puts out an article on this subject called “Before Giving to a Charity”.  You can read it in detail here:

During this political season, you will likely be getting a lot of texts and calls asking for support.  Beware of the MANY scams out there that are more than happy to take your money.  

One key tip if you want to donate is to give it in person directly to that organization.  For example, if you want to give money to the Shelter, take it to the Shelter yourself.  If you want to support local Law Enforcement or Fire, drop it off at one of the local offices.  Giving local is always best because it will end up being a reflection of your community, especially here in Tellico Village.  There are so many volunteer groups that are worthy.

If you donate for tax purposes, make sure the organization you are giving to is a legitimate non-profit and that your donation will be a tax write off.  More details regarding how to know is in the above referenced article. 

Don’t get scammed.  You worked hard to earn your money and you should feel comfortable knowing where it goes when you want to share.