October 2024 – President’s Message

Fall is approaching quickly, the weather is kinda changing, we’ll be getting our boats ready for winter and it is election season again.  And while you’re watching the debates, listening to a stump speech or attending a rally, remember that there is a lot more than the federal elections going on.  We have state, local, POA and even HOA elections on the table.  Yes, the HOA is looking for volunteers to lead the organization through 2025.  Five of our board positions are filled and we have opportunities to serve in six others.  They are:

  • President (Harry Rucker) – Serves as HOA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) having all the oversight responsibilities of a CEO. Sets strategic direction for the organization.
  • Vice President of Advocacy (Mike Robins) – Identifies key issues within the Tellico Village community and promotes discussion towards resolution of those issues with Tellico Village HOA members.
  • Vice President of Membership (Mark Flynn) – Manages membership records and conducts recruiting membership drives and events.
  • Vice President of Event Planning (Betty Fortune) – The party planner in chief.  Plans the event calendar and event budget for the Association and leads the Event Coordinators.
  • Vice President of Programs (Lavonne Mitchell) – Conducts programs, forums and information events for the Village.
  • Vice President of Communications & Marketing (Kay Condon) – Ensures all official HOA communications meet HOA standards and is editor of the monthly newsletter.

These jobs offer opportunities to learn about Tellico Village, to meet your neighbors from across the village, and challenges us to make the community better.  You work with a group of dedicated, smart people in Tellico Village and the surrounding community and have fun while you’re at it.  We’ll be voting on the new slate in November at a Special Meeting during the Social along with several By-law changes.  Find out more about the positions on the HOA website, call the incumbent, or email Kay Condon, VP Communications at hoacomms2024@gmail.com.  Besides board member positions, there are dozens of non-elected, appointed positions, such as event coordinator and committee chair or committee member to volunteer for.  These positions will introduce you to the HOA team and let you learn at your pace. 

October 1 is the start of this year’s membership drive for 2025.  Sign up at the October Social or online at TellicoLife.  Do so in October and you’ll get the current $15 dollar per year/per household rate.

The HOA is developing a Memorandum of Agreement for moving the Neighborhood Watch organization to the POA.  This Memorandum of Agreement will be provided to HOA members when it is complete.  You can expect the same community protection service from the Neighborhood Watch as you have now plus improved communication to every household in the village.  

I’m looking forward to seeing you at the next social on October 8 and at other future events, be safe, have a great autumn and thanks for a wonderful September

Harry Rucker, Tellico Village HomeOwners Association President