March 2025- President’s Message

What an interesting winter this has been. Snow and temperatures in the teens one week, then rain and highs near 70 the next. In spite of the weather, many members came out to enjoy our February HOA Social. Live music by Vocal Point got the crowd in the mood for a fun evening and guest speaker, Jeff Rauch, provided a great presentation on the purpose and goals of the Watershed Association of the Tellico Reservoir (WATeR).
As I mentioned during our Social, one of our goals for this year is to partner with other Village organizations to promote special projects and programs for the betterment of all. One way we can do this is to sponsor a team of HOA members to support events like WATeR’s upcoming Lakeshore Cleanup Project on March 22nd. Currently, 23 members have signed up to be a part of our team, but we would love to have 25 more join us to support this very worthy cause. To join, email your name and contact information (email/phone) to
For the second year in a row, Dori Holt has taken the lead to bring Tennessee Tree Day to Tellico Village. According to the TN Environmental Council, this is the largest community tree-planting project of its kind in America! There’s not much time left to order your tree(s), so don’t wait. Click here to place your order. Orders completed by March 2nd will be delivered to Tugaloo Beach on Saturday, March 15th.
In January we introduced our new Suggestion Box at our monthly socials. Although we are not able to implement all of your ideas, there are several that we are working on. One suggestion we received was a request to help Villagers identify reputable, reliable service providers to do work around their house. While the HOA cannot evaluate and recommend specific vendors, we were able to work with POA Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, Sherry Le, to provide some best practices that will help guide residence to finding the perfect vendor for their home project. Click here to read Sherry’s “Who Do You Recommend?” article.

This year’s HOA Civic Affairs team has doubled in size thanks to the support of member volunteers. We now have six team members who are committed to attending regularly scheduled meetings with the following organizations:
• Loudon County Commissioners • Monroe County Commissioners • Committee of 100
• Loudon Utility Board • Tellico Area Service System • Fort Loudon Electric Cooperative
• TRDA • County Elections • Local/County/State Officials

In addition to having dedicated resources attend these meetings, members of our Executive Board and Chair at Large attend the majority of POA Advisory Committee meetings. Our goal is to identify state, local & community projects that will benefit or possibly negatively impact the wellbeing of residents, and to bring forward constructive recommendations that address concerns through appropriate avenues. If this is an area that interest you, please consider joining our team.
Another great addition to this year’s HOA team is Debbie Haliscak. Debbie reviews and produces unbiased notes of every POA Town Hall & Board meeting so that you can stay informed on hot topics without spending 3-4 hours a month in meetings or watching videos when you could be hitting the golf course. Debbie’s notes are available on our website under our Advocacy section and typically take less than 10 minutes to read.
As you can see, we’re working hard to bring HOA membership value to Tellico Village residents. For those of you who have not renewed your membership for 2025, we encourage you to do so right away. Click here to join! If you’re not sure whether you have renewed your membership yet, look at the TellicoLife email with the link to this month’s newsletter. Your current membership status is located below the HOA header as shown below:

March will be another great month for HOA members. In addition to our monthly Social on Tuesday, March 11, we will be presenting at the State of the Village meeting on March 13th, 3:00PM, at the Community Church of Tellico Village. I hope you will attend to support our team and learn more about 2025 plans. Don’t forget to invite your friends and neighbors! See you there.

Linda Garza
2025 HOA President