My name is Harry Rucker and I am your new “advocate.”  I relieved Mark Pantley as HOA’s Vice President of Advocacy and I hope that I can live up to the legacy he laid down as your first “advocate.” 

A little bit about myself.  I spent 30 years in the Navy driving, maintaining, designing and building warships.  I’m a Naval Academy graduate and an engineer by trade.  After the Navy, I spent 15 years designing and building Navy and Coast Guard ships for a private company in Mississippi.  East Tennessee was always on my family’s sight for a retirement location and we absolutely love it here. 

My HOA job, as it’s written on every HOA letterhead, is to help every Homeowner “Be Engaged, Be Informed, and Be Heard” and to act as “Your Voice in the Village” internally to the POA, HOA or its committees or staff or externally to governmental or non-profit organizations on issues that impact Tellico Village Homeowners.  As such, I will be glad to hear and discuss your ideas and issues.    

My thought as advocate is to make Tellico Village the best possible place for every resident to live.  Will we make every person happy on every issue? – probably not.  Can we make every homeowner be heard, understand the issues and feel part of the community? – yes, yes and yes.   We will do this by:

  • Identifying key issues within the Tellico Village community and promoting discussion of those issues with Tellico Village HOA members and other issue stakeholders.
  • Developing consensus and alignment among homeowners regarding what needs to be done here in Tellico Village and the surrounding community (as it impacts the village).
  • We will not create an adversarial relationship with the POA or other organizations related to the village. This is all about working together to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

I will work with our team to maintain our website with current and historical content where you’ll be able to find regular updates as the various programs are advanced.

Our Advocacy reports are stored in our Public Dropbox Advocacy Folder. When you click on this link, you will be presented with a series of Advocacy documents. Click on the one you are interested in and it will open so you can read it. Please let me know if you have any technical issues accessing these documents.

Additional information regarding our approach to Advocacy can be found in the HOA Advocacy Policy, which can be found by following this link: and opening the Dropbox folder containing the Advocacy policy.

Please feel free to send me a note if you have any issues or concerns that I might be able to help with.

Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.

Harry Rucker
HOA VP of Advocacy