2025 HOA Board Members
The HOA Board of Directors is comprised of volunteers who are nominated and elected by its membership at the HOA General Meeting in November of each year.
The HOA Board is made up of an Executive Council, Standing Committee Chairs and Liaisons. To view the job description for each board member, select the file from the JOB DESCRIPTION folder on the HOA Dropbox.
To contact any of our team members, send an email to hoatv.org@gmail.com or call (865) 657-1405
Executive Council
- President, Linda Garza
- VP Programs, Lavonne Mitchell
- VP Advocacy, Teresa Reed
- VP Membership, Barb Burke
- VP Communications & Marketing, Kay Condon
- VP Technology, Bob Bilodeau & Doug Schetzel
- VP Social Planning, Roxanne Jackson
- VP Event Planning, Kathy Ruzic
- Secretary, Nancy Mariani
- Treasurer, Clifford Jackson
- Past President, Harry Rucker
*Indicates member not present when picture was taken
Standing Committee Chairs
- Chair at Large, David Warmbold
Ad-Hoc Committee Chairs
- Litter Angels – Annie LaCour
- Ascetics and Environment – Open position
Liaisons to HOA
- Tellico Life Business Lead – KC Babb
- Tellico Life Operations Lead – KC Babb
- Relations Loudon Co, Bob Gross
- Relations Monroe Co, Open position
- Welcome Orientation, Judy Bell
- New Villagers, Dawn Franz
- Stay in TV, Judi Leach
- Tellico Village Public Library, Sandi Jorgensen
- Vonore Public Library, Kathleen Siedlecki
Support Team Members
- Web Administrator – Open position
- Tellico Life Lead Administrator – Adrian Kasper
- Tellico Life Event Administrator – Sue Bolton
- Promotions Chairperson – Theresa Girardi
- Social Greeter Lead – Cliff Jackson
- Golf Lead – George Lutrell
- Dining Out Lead – Open position
- Wine Group Lead – Deb Garon
- Gourmet Dinner & Wine for 6 – Robert & Nancy Gross
- Book Club – Kate Merritt
- Cocktails & Games – Laurie Barrett