
The State of Kahite – Open Village Meeting

It was standing room only at the ‘State of Kahite’ meeting that took place Friday August 18th at the Kahite Community Center, with overflow out onto the patio!  Attendees included TN State Representative Lowell Russell, POA CEO […]


September A&E

HOA A&E Committee hopes to maintain the natural beauty of Tellico Village Your HOA has formed the Aesthetics and Environmental Committee.  The committee’s objective is to preserve the natural attributes that make Tellico Village a highly […]


September Neighborhood Watch

WHAT IS A NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH SUPPORTER? The Neighborhood Watch program is sponsored and endorsed by the HOA and run strictly on the efforts of volunteer residents.  With the support of the HOA and Sheriff’s Departments, […]


September Litter Angels

On August 12th our HOA Litter Angels collected 41 bags of trash, tires, and construction debris.  During the summer, the team will be doing pickups on the 2nd Saturday of each month.  The next pickup will be on […]


August Litter Angels

On July 8th our HOA Litter Angels collected 32 bags of trash, tires, and construction debris.  During the summer, the team will be doing pickups on the 2nd Saturday of each month.  The next pickup will be on […]


August Neighborhood Watch

CAMPING ON THE SHORELINE Summer is upon us, and many are taking to the lake to enjoy time off and to cool off.  However there have been some complaints arising of illegal camping, fires, and […]


July Litter Angels

On June 10th our HOA Litter Angels collected 46 bags of trash, tires, and construction debris.  Wow!  That’s a lot!!! During the summer, the team will be doing pickups on the 2nd Saturday of each month.  The next pickup will […]


July A&E

HOA’s Aesthetics and Environmental (A&E) Committee is Active Again Your HOA is resurrecting the A&E Committee under the leadership of Dori Holt.  The HOA appreciates the work that James Hawkey put into the Committee under the […]


July Advocacy Update

POA to Consider Changes to Tellico Village Governing Documents The POA will be considering changes to several documents that govern how Tellico Village is run and some of the things that residents can do within […]

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