
May Open Village Meeting

Tellico Village HomeOwners Association hosted a ‘State of the Lake’ forum on May 4th at the Tellico Village Community Church.  Residents were provided updates on a number of topics; T-BART President Jeff Rauch was in attendance, providing […]


June Litter Angels

Summertime in East TN gets steaming HOT!  During the summer, our Litter Angels reduce their scheduled pickup dates to once per month.  The summer schedule will begin with our next pickup on June 10th.  Volunteers will meet at […]


May Neighborhood Watch

KNOCK, KNOCK … WHO’S THERE? In recent months, the Loudon County Sheriffs Department has responded to the village for complaints of suspicious persons knocking on doors and hanging out in our neighborhoods.   LOCK YOUR DOORS!  Leaving […]


May Litter Angels

It’s hard to imagine our community without the tireless work of our HOA Litter Angels. Now, with over 115 current members, their bi-monthly pickups are easy to see just how effective they truly are in […]


April Neighborhood Watch: Late Night Cruising

There have been reports of cars driving through neighborhoods during the early morning, late night hours – usually when you’re sound asleep.  What are they doing?  One thought is stealing mail… Mail Theft in the United States […]


Updated Open Village Meeting Info.

NOTE: 2 additional questions and responses have been added to the end of this page. Approx. 700 residents attended the HOA’s first Open Village Meeting of 2023  The meeting was hosted by HOA Program VP, […]


March Litter Angels

Join us in congratulating our HOA Litter Angels for being recognized by the TN Department of Transportation (TDOT) for the outstanding ­­job they do each month to collect trash along Hwy 444 and neighborhood roads.  Check […]


Neighborhood Watch: No Soliciting in Tellico Village

Tellico Village is “No Soliciting” community with signs posted at the entrances of the neighborhoods usually below the Neighborhood Watch signs.  However, at times, this does not deter solicitors from attempting to get your business.  But are […]


Open Village Meeting Info.

NOTE: 2 additional questions and responses have been added to the end of this page. Approx. 700 residents attended the HOA’s first Open Village Meeting of 2023  The meeting was hosted by HOA Program VP, […]

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