President's Corner

July President’s Message:

When I first moved here, I was told that “Tellico Village is run by volunteers”. I thought that was an odd comment, since the POA is staffed by hard working people who provide many important […]

President's Corner

June President’s Message:

Memorial Day, Flag Day, the Fourth of July. This is the time of year when we’re reminded of the service and sacrifice people have made to make our country great. If you know someone who […]

President's Corner

May’s President’s Message:

The warming temperatures and appearance of more sun is pulling all of us out of our winter burrows. Conveniently, our Events Team has posted many new events to TellicoLife this month. So, there are lots […]

President's Corner

April President’s Message

Researchers at Harvard University have been studying “what makes us happy in life?”. This study, which has been going on since 1938 (85 years!) was recently reported on by CNBC. It states that “…..the No. […]

President's Corner

February President’s Message

It’s 2023! What happened to 2022? Wow – it sure went fast! Starting a new year is a good time to set some goals and to recognize all the things that occurred in the prior […]

President's Corner

President’s Message – November 2022

Currently there are 3,422 HOA members in 1,864 Tellico Village households. As the largest volunteer organization in the village, HOA always has a lot of things going on. Whether it be an Event, Open Village […]

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