The Tellico Village Welcome Orientation is hosted by the Property Owners Association (POA) and co-sponsored by the HomeOwners Association (HOA), the New Villagers club (NV) and Tellico Life. This event provides attendees with critical information all residents should know, including where to go when you have questions, how to sign up to receive valuable community information via text or email, and how to get involved in the community through the numerous clubs and organizations Tellico Village offers residents.
Welcome Orientations are held at the Yacht Club on the first Tuesday every other month (February, April, June, August, October & December) from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm on the lower level. Several Tellico Village clubs and organizations will be available following the main presentation. Please plan to stay following the meeting and browse the tables to learn more about village activities that are of specific interest to you.
Due to limited space, advanced registration is required. Click on the date link below that best suit your schedule. We look forward to seeing you there soon!
Upcoming 2024 Tellico Village Welcome Orientation Schedule. Click on the links below for additional information and to sign up for the event.
Have questions or need additional information? Please use the following link to contact us:
Contact Us – Tellico Village HomeOwners Association
Your voice matters